First 2000 to try out the new FREE earthdive app

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earthdive is testing a new iphone app for scuba divers everywhere. The new app is still in development stages but is now ready to receive observational data from divers and snorkellers. earthdive is asking divers to download the free app and help us test it by submitting dive data.

earthdive is a revolutionary concept in citizen science and a global research project for millions of recreational scuba divers, snorkellers and others who can help preserve the health and diversity of our oceans. earthdive along with marine scientists all over the world, have discovered that key indicator species in particular marine eco-regions can tell us a lot about the changing state of the world’s oceans.

At the heart of this unique research project is the earthdive Global Dive Log created and developed by earthdive in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme – World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and marine biologists from all over the world.

And, by seeing and recording these indicators during your scuba dive or a snorkelling trip, you can contribute to a Global Snapshot of our ocean’s health.

To download the app go to this link on your mobile phone:

or scan this from your phone.
