Ocean’s Deadliest

This is the documentary Steve Irwin died making, which makes it quite a haunting piece of television.

Irwin was living right on the edge throughout the filming – we see him swimming with a shirty saltwater croc and picking up a huge sea snake (“If he wanted to kill me he could have quite easily!”).

There is, however, no mention of his death other than the “In memory of” screen at the end, which is doubtless the way he would have wanted it.

The documentary itself is a beauty, with Irwin, Philippe Cousteau jnr (grandson of Jacques Cousteau) and various Australian scientists setting sail on Irwin’s research vessel, Croc One, to look at and capture marine nasties.

These include stonefish, cone shells and box jellyfish, as well as, of course, crocs and sea snakes.

There’s plenty of memorable footage, particularly of the cone shells spearing their prey and of Irwin and friends milking stonefish for their venom.

There are also some poignant reminders of the plight of ocean animals – shark nets that protect bathers kill dolphins, turtles and seals, and “ghost nets” that have become detached from fishing boats roam the oceans forever, killing everything they trap.

I was never a huge Steve Irwin fan while he was alive, but now that he’s gone I miss him like hell.

Source: smh.com.au