Oceana urges Regional Fisheries Management Organisations meeting this week in San Sebastian to commit to catch limits and to fill loopholes in shark finning bans.
Oceana calls for regulation of high-seas shark fisheries, as these vulnerable species lack any management measures in international waters despite being highly exploited.
Delegates from the international marine conservation organization are attending the Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (RFMO) meeting taking place this week in San Sebastian, Spain, whose aim is to discuss the failures in managing tuna stocks around the world, but sharks are on the agenda as well.
To date, there is not a single agreed international catch limit or prohibition for shark catches in any of the RFMOs, and shark finning bans are filled with loopholes that inhibit control.
Pelagic, or open-ocean, sharks are caught as targeted and accidental catch in the same waters where tunas are fished, but they have been left behind by RFMO management. Oceana is asking for countries around the world to change their history shark non-management.
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