According to a modeling study by Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi; the reef building corals may not be dominant in Lakshadweep Seas after 2030-2040.
The study has indicated that there is no evidence to state that the corals will totally die off and there is also no evidence that there is any danger to the existence of the islands.
The study analysis was not based on field observations but on model and projection only.
The Ministry has identified It provides financial assistance to the State/UT Forest Departments of all the four identified Coral Reef areas for implementation of approved Management Action Plans for conservation & management of corals and coral reefs. The Coastal Regulation Zone Notification (1991), as amended subsequently, recognizes the Corals & Coral Reef areas as ecologically sensitive and categorizes them as CRZ-I (i) and some species of corals are also included in the Schedules of Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972, thereby according them high degree of protection.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Environment and Forests (independent charge) Shri Jairam Ramesh in a written reply to a question by Shri O. T. Lepcha in Rajya Sabha today.
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