Bardot offers to take Watson’s place in Prison

Brigitte Bardot, the actress and animal rights campaigner, has offered to take the place of the founder of the Sea Shepherd marine conservation group in prison.

Paul Watson was detained in Germany last week. On Monday, the 61-year-old was ordered by a German court to remain in custody a day after his arrest on a warrant from Costa Rica where he is accused of endangering a shark-finning ship’s crew during a confrontation in 2002.

“Being outraged by the fact that he’s been put in prison, I offer to take his place because I am his accomplice,” Bardot, 77, said in a statement.

“I have always supported Paul Watson, my brother in arms,” said the retired French actress who had a Sea Shepherd trimaran named after her in 2011.

Watson was passing through Frankfurt with French European Parliament members Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Jose Bove on his way to France to attend conferences when he was arrested.

Bardot has over the years campaigned against whaling in Japan, bear-hunting in New Jersey, wolf-hunting in Sweden, dolphin slaughter in Denmark and other animal rights causes.

She is married