Benjamin Taghavi tagged posts

The Canyon, Egypt

Spectacular dive through the canyon. WOW Great dive

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Big Blue Hole and the Bells, Egypt

Spectacular descent surrounded tightly by rocks. Dive finished in the Blue Hole among free divers.

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Ras Zaatav, Egypt

Good dive

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Yolanda Shark Reef, Egypt

Big blue make you feel small

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Wood House, Egypt

Good dive

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Jackson Reef, Egypt

Had to make a quick entry because of currrent. Below it was like a beautiful slideshow with the coralmountain. You just regulate buoyancy and let the current take you through the dive.

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Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Clear blue water, a group of some 23 amazing large fishes. Great coral life

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Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Amazing water.. Barrier reef water life is exceptional

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Seal Rocks, Australia

Not as exciting as the sharkdive but a dolphin was spotted from surface.

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Seal Rocks, Australia

16 Grey Nurse sharks, Port Jackson, leopardshark and wohhoooo 🙂

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