So named because the J Cousteau movie of same name was filmed here. Fabulous topography, lots of cut-ins, ledges, etc. Rubble on top of bommie.
Read MoreSo named because the J Cousteau movie of same name was filmed here. Fabulous topography, lots of cut-ins, ledges, etc. Rubble on top of bommie.
Read MoreIdiot Paul lost the Knob – lunable to find it despite having a compass. Large swim-through noted at 70 feet. Bommie dive. Kinda boring now.
Read MoreWedding cake profile bommie dive. Germans off taking pics so I swim around the bommie over and over again. Nothing really new except blue flatworm. Top of bommie has coral rubble. Paul again leaves me alone after 20min. Lots of reef fish (anthias, butterflyfish, etc).
Read MoreTender dropped in wrong spot, I refused to kick against current with rest group so allowed current to carry me from 57′ to 7′ in very short time. Watched blue-spotted ray feed and cleaned x 20 min. Epaulette shark right under boat.
Read MoreGREAT muck dive. Typical muck animals, e.g. Shrimp fish, catfish, no frogfish though, huge baitball so big it blocked the sunlight. Lots ot pilings to swim around. Paul doesn’t like muck diving so this maybe the last one we do on this trip.
Read MorePaul said this was better than Samarai – he’s wrong. Yellow Electric Swallowtail nudibranch. Barge had bubble coral with transparent shrimp. Lumpy starfish, snot coral (actually a tunicate).
Read MoreLarge bumphead parrot fish. Noted Manta site with Mantas feeding close to surface and then to cleaning station along long stretch of beach. No mantas noted in water but Mantas sighted once all were back on boat. Paul has no idea how/when fish feed.
Read MoreOnly 4 guests on boat with 7 crew. Telita purchased 3 years ago from Bob Halstead by Paul Baker (Kiwi). Clear, light blue tunicates
Read MoreFollowed “dive leader” Paul who does not stay with group but goes back to boat after 20-30min instead of having full dive. Many reef fish. Paul insisting site is usually full of pelagics.
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