sylvia earl tagged posts

Meet Two Generations of Leading Ocean Protectors

Sylvia Earle investigates a towering tube sponge in Bonaire.

As one of conservation’s most accomplished and recognizable leaders, Sylvia Earle has campaigned on behalf of the ocean for half a century. Now well into her eighties, Earle maintains a demanding schedule of exploration, education, and advocacy work that has her spanning the globe and meeting with everyone from world leaders to school children.

Although it is often out of mind to the general public, the ocean is critical to life on Earth, says Earle, who has broken many exploration records in her long career, earning her the nickname “Her Deepness.”

“The ocean is so much more than fish,” says Earle, who is also a Rolex Testimonee. “Think carbon cycle, think climate, think the chemistry of the planet that has shaped all life on Earth.”

Earle has inspired millions of pe...

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Meet ‘Her Deepness’

Sylvia Earl

How much of your lifetime, I asked Sylvia Earle, have you spent underwater? It was a glorious morning in Mexico and we were on a small boat, bobbing on a gentle swell in the Gulf of California, a few hundred yards off the coast from the village of Cabo Pulmo. Setting out from shore to the dive site, we had spied a group of dolphins leaping in the distance.

We had cut the engine close by an outgrowth of rocks, where three pelicans circled, riding upwards before corkscrewing their bodies and plummeting into the water, their gullets palpitating with their catch, before rising up to circle, twist and plummet again.  Earle observed the scene thoughtfully, considering my question. ‘Not enough,’ she replied with a laugh.

At 82, Earle is America’s most distinguished oceanographer and marine b...

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