World leaders are heading to Glasgow tonight, ahead of their meetings tomorrow for COP26.
Their goal is to keep global warming limited to 1.5C, or at worst 2C, by 2100 but we are currently on track for 2.7C – which the UN says will result in “climate catastrophe”. But already, the climate summit is at serious risk of failure because countries are still not promising enough to restrict global temperature rises to below 1.5C.
In a blunt admission after two days of preliminary talks at the G20 meeting of world leaders, the UK prime minister conceded little progress had been made – and the conference is not on track to achieve a deal that keeps the goal alive. He puts the chances of success as “six out of 10”. But then, can World leaders at #COP26 only promise so much?
I passionately believe that it is the 7.9 billion people who live on this planet, who will ultimately save the world.
Of course we must force our governments and corporations to do their duty, but we must not hide behind them. Governments are there because we elected them. Companies exist because we buy their products.
Just a few changes by every man, woman and child can help put out this ‘fire’. All of us united, affecting the world in which we live.
Get a message to the millions with whom we will engage this week – we all need to listen to the science – we are all part of the problem. We all need to change.
In 1986, I staged Sport Aid and Run the World because 18 million Africans were dying of starvation. Governments didn’t act until 20 million people in 89 countries protested by running, walking and crawling 10 km through their towns, villages and cities.
It was ordinary people that effected change then and we MUST do it again.
That is why I wrote my book, “I RAN THE WORLD”. It describes how the largest mass participation protest ever, took place and how we can learn from it to fight climate change.
Download it for FREE during COP26.
“Change the World” – Chris Long

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