Diving In Africa is a NAUI Scuba training facility based in Umkomaas, KZN with representation in Gauteng, South Africa. Whether you want to dive sharks and wrecks on rugged wild coasts, or simply relax with whales and dolphins and enjoy pristine coral reefs and abundant wildlife, we will gladly be your guide and guardian when Diving In Africa. Most of the diving is done from semi-rigid boats, with a few shore entries. Scuba diving in South Africa is a fast growing sport and of a high standard. All major organization’s qualifications are recognized and good quality dive gear and instruction is readily available.
Diving in Africa is situated centrally in Umkomaas, 500m from the beach and has 2 fully furnished, fully self catered units with security, DSTV and WiFi. Also on site is a pool area with a 3.2m deep dive training pool, thatch lapa and dining area with braai facilities. We can comfortably cater for 6-8 people in a group. For larger groups we have access to other guest houses of a similar quality all within walking distance. An opportunity for anyone and everyone to witness a genuine ”Natural Wonder”.
Its been dubbed “The Greatest Shoal on Earth” Every year around June and July billons of Sardines “run” or migrate up the East Coast of Africa between Port Elizabeth and Durban. What makes it a true marvel however is not simply the multitude of silvery fish but the host of predators that congregate en masse for the feasting. The waters off the breathtaking Wild Coast literally boil as Dolphins, Sharks, Whales, Seals, Penguins, Cape Gannets and even Orca’s (Killer Whales) gorge themselves on the seemingly endless shoals of sardines.
For any person who is interested in diving with sharks or not but has an interest in the ocean this dive is a must, it makes the “Big 5” pale into insignificance. Your fear of sharks will change within seconds to instant admiration for these beautiful and graceful creatures that man has senselessly hacked to death for their jaws and fins for years.
As this is in the sharks natural environment there is never a guarantee that the Tigers will come to visit, but after years of testing techniques and 100’s of dives our sighting rate is very high. Whilst waiting for the Tigers to arrive there is an abundance of fish life around the boat and lots of opportunistic gray sharks feeding in the sardine slick so no one is ever bored. This is a shallow dive so open water divers are welcome as well as snorkelers.
Before the dive there is a comprehensive briefing on the sharks and how we want you positioned in the water and there are also at least 2 shark guides in the water with the divers at any time.
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